Team Building



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Employee Selection Tools

Personal & Executive Coaching

Organizational Analysis

Performance Evaluation

Promotional Process

Strategic Planning

Succession Planning

Team Building

Also see Training Courses

Team Building:

The effectiveness of teams determines not only the success/failure of a specific project, but also influences morale, job satisfaction, engagement and ultimately how the organization is viewed by employees. Most organizations have some level of inefficiency or stagnation within their teams or established groups, and unfortunately this has become so normative, employees feel nothing can be done to change it. Even when employees suggest doing team building, this is often met with push back or negativity because it’s viewed to be a waste of time, ineffective, and just another distraction from the group’s purpose. However, this can’t be further from the truth. The most effective groups are those who have built a team identity, know and trust each other and are able to have a good time as they work.

Dr. Miller uses a variety of techniques in her team building approach and will be individualized to meet the needs or your group/organization. Activities can be developed for a day, week or as a part of your organizations regular meetings.

If you are looking to improve your team’s dynamics, effectiveness and productivity contact, team building consultant, Dr. Miller for a consultation.